Ox Aquarius personality

  Belong to cowAquarius:thecharacter

Aquarius shaw cow is only strong and full of love cattle, because they refuse to compromise, destined to life in the struggle.Xiao cows who always think that the road to happiness lies in the tao in a public Xuan retreat, they like to be put aside in a corner of the country.Aquarius is amiable, outgoing and flexibility, both will be full of the storm.

Aquarius xiao cows blade with sharp sense of humor, make its not immersed in the vitriolic side of personality.Aquarius shaw cattle is a great story, wonderful performance companions, and smile because he has a very comprehensive memory for detail and benefit, ordinary boring event to its mouth is like a fable fairy story, when cattle shaw's clever tongue and Aquarius is combined, the original the effect is quite amazing.

Aquarius is also benefited from xiao cows is a practical side.No matter in what situation has xiao cows has good work spirit will be.Aquarius is the desire for freedom, and constantly hovering in the boundless dream.Aquarius xiao cows belong to a person is always hard to work, until it completely.For them, no matter how low wages or routine work, is the center of gravity of the life.

Water bottle around xiao cows who don't care the views of the society, he ignored the residency for the evaluation of their ability, this kind of person with its slow and accurate way to find my own life path.Sometimes people for water bottle xiao cows by the dogged determination, but due to their outstanding performance, the sense of responsibility and the amount of others or have to admit that it is the winner.

Although water bottle xiao cows to work has a remarkable talent, they have a surprise side.Bottle like YouShua xiao cows, they will all busy cooking well, decoration or cut the tree god until early in the morning, and he in the creation of surprise, have a good imagination.

  Aquarius love belong to cattle

Aquarius shaw cow person's private life is difficult.First of all, need to stimulate, Aquarius around and easy to feel tired;But naturally loving family xiao cows shook his head, said his want to settle down, don't want to live a life of insecurity, a lack of intellectual pursuit in his eyes, he need family.Aquarius xiao cows is finally set up a family, may have one or twoThe child, but just before the people to be able to predict, they again hard to seek the life of stimulation.The tide rises and falls of life is huge, and Aquarius xiao cows don't care about.He seems to be without most of the sex can be immersed in the work hard.

  Belong to cow Aquarius is suitable for the object coexistence

Shaw, ram, Gemini, libra, or snakesSagittariusWho can make you fascinated.Shaw chicken of Gemini, libra or Sagittarius will attract you.XiaoLong Taurus, lion,ScorpioMust be you even bother.Taurus and tigerLeoCan't attract you, xiao sheep lion or Scorpio is unwell, also had better avoid xiao monkey Scorpio or xiao maTaurus

  Ox Aquarius career

Aquarius xiao cows at hand, they can repair, building, or inventing things.Because of its practical careful calculation and strict budgeting, few can do its craft.Aquarius shaw cow who work a lot and cautious and responsible, and they are paid to attract and to follow the routine.This kind of person also has the social consciousness, they often choose to improve human blessings for the purport of international relief agencies.Appropriate profession has the farmer, ship builders, kindergarten teachers, physical rehabilitation of member, the TV repair man, professor and counselor.

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