Pig cancer's character

  Is a pigcancerthecharacter

Cancer xiao pig has a dual character, he is often attracted by all kinds of extravagant behavior, but on the other hand, his response was to set a strict rules - no joy, no.He never hang out with, often at home to study;Never buy beautiful clothes or refined foods, just keep busy to earn and save."Feeling" is the business of others.The Spartan philosophical attitude to life is only a contrary to self-indulgence extreme performance, they have to learn to strike a balance between the two.

Powerful display is impressive part of their character, the frown of no color, the ulterior motives of glare, the closed lips, as it's afraid;But that's not true, but only some kind of putting ostentation.Cancer hunter shaw is actually a kind heart and often pay a person.Appearance he was harsh, but the heart always laugh, and the cancer xiao pig is always thinking about new ideas to enable him to have been to live according to his will.

The stubbornness and persistence is the man's ace in the hole, he insist to keep his ideal and the way of life.His believed in religion, his political views are never ambiguous, clear.For him, the world no longer follow the creed of the life, the old moral?Where the good old days?He really can't understand.Modern life to his disappointment, he thinks that if he can be so hard unremittingly to resist the power of sin, why can't others like him?

  Cancer love belongs to the pig

This are extremely sensitive, tradition and has the sense of responsibility, well there is no obvious reason can explain why he cannot have satisfied with the emotional life, but the cancer xiao pig self-denial characteristic makes it to resist the joy, the need to take any action in the relationship will let him have many questions, so that a person is very difficult to have a good progress in the relationship.

If you fall in love with cancer xiao pig, it is best to seduce him, chased him, and he returns your love.Dinner is a good way, flowers, but a basket of fruit, a newborn kitten, or is a newly baked bread may be more effective, they are more attracted to the temptation of easy for earthly family class.

  Pig cancer is suitable for the object coexistence

Do you like tigerTaurusAlso suits with rabbit shaw, virgo, Scorpio or sheepPiscesIs suitable.Shaw rat Taurus is always trying to set you apart from the stern.Shaw monkey or snake ram or libra is unwell, xiao snake or chicken of Capricorn.

  Pig this profession

Just see at a glance to know this person achievement is big, but the point is this kind of person is not the pursuit of admiration and applause, but dashed forward in a magnificent manner, he always move forward, never look back.He didn't know what to do in his way, not for him, in addition, no choice, annoying, he almost always right.His preference was ruler, and took the Pope or a billionaire, but then again, he first needs to accept the good education, and then let him in the business or art (or both) free development.He is definitely a good boss, it's hard to imagine that he is engaged in the low post.

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