Dreaming that I am not to kill blood

Dreaming that I am not to kill blood what meaning be?Dream dreamed that he was not to kill blood?Dreaming that I am not to kill blood have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize detailed solution of dreaming that I am not to kill blood line.

Dreaming that I am not to kill blood _ duke of zhou interprets dreams of what meaning is not to kill blood dream to dream oneself not to kill blood is good _ _ duke of zhou interprets website

Dreaming that I kill, one enemy is too much, the dreamer does not enough and he will hang himself.Dreamed that he killed the enemy, the enemy forces will strengthen, as far away as enemy within the scope of control.Dreamed that he killed their loved ones, will inherit the fortune, and the family will be more strong and happy.Has been jailed prisoners dreamHis murder, it is auspicious, will soon be released, to be free. Dreamed that he killed a lot of strangers, and lotus flower, the dreamer will either rich or expensive, good luck with his life.

Dream of murderNot see blood, blood means will make a fortune, soDream of seeing blood to killIf only it will have good luckkillDream will disappear blood against him, businessmanKill people see bloodDo business, can make a lot of money.Bloody murder garment profit, pointed out with a sword sharp, slay knife see blood, bleeding wounds the booze and cut thorn blood, the main business, main body see blood flow.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream to kill.Dream to kill others, signs in the main business, rich blessing.Or bloody clothes, have to gain.Their killers, the auspicious, official RongLin.With a knife, the wealth.Killer is not dead, blood, no blood, be detailed killed by whom, to five lines of life, pushing the fortunes of quasi."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream die.Have blood master ji, bloodless prime.The broken dream secretary

Slay the dream.Dream slay knife ax, blood, and without blood fierce;Dream that kill their running of the scattered, main goods;Dream others to kill me, I also kill others, advocate for money has won."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream dream not to kill blood: I dreamed that he killed his sister, is a man to take my at the beginning, I'll use scissors to his head, and then cut all his head, did notbleedingHe was dead. The theory, but it was not dead, then I found that one is my sister. I begged her to forgive me, then woke up...

According to psychologist Freud explained that dream is out of the subconscious of some kind of mood.If at ordinary times between you and your sister had jealous of what?Or do you think adults handle things unfair and so on.In fact, that's not what you are thinking, are only some emotions reflected in the dream of you.If dreaming that I am very afraid of death is accompanied by pain, probably you recently met some trouble, let your inner edge.Have trouble friends, pay attention to solve the things in hand, has not yet received the trouble friend, also be careful doing things to yourself and avoid trouble.

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