Dreamed of his car caught fire

Dream of their own car caught fire what meaning be?Dream dream of their own car caught fire?Dream of their own cars caught fire with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of their own cars caught fire the detailed solution.

Dream of their own car caught fire _ duke of zhou interprets what is the meaning of dream car caught fire _ good dream dreamed that his car was burning down _ duke of zhou interprets website

Car is very expensive, represents the reality of you are very important things, such as family love, friendship, love or career, and so on,"The fire"Mean in these will happen to you are very important aspects of difficulties and problems, such as the problems between lovers, friends squabbles, ongoing things will fail, and so on, in short, a bad omen, to adjust their mood to face these problems, I wish you good luck.

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