Dream of the fire burning

Dream of the fire burning is what mean?Dream dream of burning fire?Dream of the real and the influence of the reaction, fire with fire also dream of subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) the dream of small make up to help you organize fire fire the detailed solution.

Dream of the fire burning

Dream of the fireStar float in the sky, will come to money.

Dream of homeThe fireAnd there will be a good luck.

Dream of the fire was put out, are short of food and clothes, or lose their love.

A womanDream of easy burning fire, son would be bright beautiful.

If the dream of the fire is not easy to ignite, will be disappointed I am ashamed.

Dream of body burns unfortunately, soon to running a high fever.

Dream of a lot of houses burned, means that many compatriots to cholera will starve to death or life.

Dream of someone else's house caught fire, which indicated you recently not toward the direction to what you thought, I suggest you to adjust their mentality, as well as to test their patience.

Singles dream of other people's house caught fire, indicate your romance chart is very general, as long as both sides more consider for each other, each other not too too purple, more understanding and care.

Traders dream of other people's house caught fire, portends a recent your money is not bad, but to make long term plans, when you're not careful, often brings a big cost, so do also want to have a budget.

Office workers dream of other people's house caught fire, which indicated on your career is full of strong will to fight, the future is for, suggest you to seize an opportunity, but also be careful little people behind you rushed in, lest make your co-workers to have your opinion.

Civilian workers dream of someone else's house caught fire, and indicates the recent work can be affected by the holiday, there will be some lazy work performance, need you to urge others to complete the task, however, short-term adjustment and new plan will form in your mind.

The old dream of someone else's house caught fire, foreshadow the chart is very good, do things very well, but for some things, don't hesitate to cooperate with other people will get people to help.

Adults dream of someone else's house caught fire, indicate your health is very good, with the control of mood enhancement, the body will also get benefit, although there is a tendency of greedy, but as long as pay more attention to, can control;Also can wear a "titanium alloy medicine guru Buddha pendant pendant" in the body, let oneself of health to be able to guarantee.

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