Dream of struggle

Dream of struggle is what mean?Dream dream of struggle, ok?Dream of struggle with the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of struggle of the detailed solution.

Dream of struggle

Dream about some of the things, you will encounter a series of obstacles.In the struggle, if you win, then you will overcome the current obstacles.

Dream of struggling in the water, said relationships will suffer.The pretensions of you, from my friends.Only modest as far as possible, luck will get better.

Middle-aged people dreamed of struggling in the water, that means you business is very strong, is smooth, but avoid words and too much trouble.Be humble and tolerance.

Dream of struggle of case analysis

Description: dream the dream I and many fish in the water to swim, I follow a black fish swam to a hole, all of a sudden I sank.Hole in the dark, I want to climb, but how also couldn't climb up.I thought he is going to be late for work again, very worried.(female, 30 years old)

Dreams resolution:Dream of swimmingWith the uterus, water is often associated with the production of women.You are inpregnancyProduced during the production of idea is only natural.And fish, it is the symbol of the male genitalia.Dream isA lot of fish, both on behalf of the desire for sexual psychology, also hope to conceive a boy.Generally speaking, in the cave, the desire is not a sign of a depressed.

Dream of struggle

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