Dream of fraud

Dream of fraud is what mean?Dream dream of fraud?Dream of fraud have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of fraud of the detailed solution.

Dream of fraud

Dreaming that I was fraud that is good luck to you, have unexpected harvest.

Dreaming that I am fraud others, say you in the near future is likely to be deceptive, suffer losses.

Dreamed that you know someone give you a fake, or fraud, such a dream said you suspicious to the individual, don't trust him.This dream also remind you don't trust others.

Dreaming that I was fraud, which indicated in the later days will be more luck;

Dreamed of fraud case analysis

The dream description: there was a 28-year-old unmarried woman said: "the dream, I was so mettle.I found that I spent thousands of yuan to buy diamond ring incredibly wonderful artical excelling nature is false.I decided to go to court, the fraud prosecution businesses.I hope that through my prosecution, can let more consumers don't be deceived."

Resolution: dream dream fraud is a dream, said they would pay more attention to the dreamer's own words and behavior, so as to bring themselves good luck.

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