Dream of the battle

What is the meaning of dream of battle?Dream dream of battle?Dream of battle with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the battle of the detailed solution.

Dream of the battle

Battle, two armies, the YongMing honor.The battle of dream, is a symbol of affection between men and women.Dream in battle, which indicates that there is confusion and contradiction in my heart.

"Sleeping, I dreamed that he is in a battle.We occupied the commanding heights, commanding, all see clearly below.After a while, the enemy began to climb, a hail of fire from us, to beat them."This is a young white-collar men's dreams.

Dream of their own gains, portends a dreamer love journey wishes of happiness.

Dream of their own defeat, means that the dreamer will be involved in trouble.

menDream of the war, which indicates that the work will appear in the contradictions and disputes, remind the dreamer to communicate with colleagues friendly;

Women dream ofThe warThat will be on the feelings of disputes and dispute, remind the dreamer to properly handle;

Very dreamed of the battlefield, cataclysmic won't fall into their own body, but by their own relatives or servant to bear;

Dream of fighting, means that the dreamer may be lovelorn or business is damaged, but the dreamer with foresight;

Dream of the end of the war, means that the dreamer contradictions and disputes resolved, family life will rapport.

Dream of war, means living region could be chaos;

Dream of national civil war, the dreamer of residence may be famine or plague.

Traders dream of domestic war, suggesting that the dreamer is going abroad to do business and;

The thief or a robber dreamed of his war, suggesting that is likely to be caught on the spot, the dreamer are reminded not to do something illegal crime;

The prisoner dreaming that I take part in the war, the high court will announce their release.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: war is a collective and organized form for the use of violence, to each other is a kind of brutal violence, it can lead to misfortune and panic.

Psychoanalysis: war is the purpose of establishing a new order, but it USES is rapid and cruel way.Said in the dream the dreamer is going through a similar process in the heart, the dream of the war, means work and emotional entanglements.

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