Dream to go to bed

What is the meaning of dream to go to bed?Dream dream to go to bed?Dream to go to bed with the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of dream to go to bed.

Dream to go to bed

Dreaming that I sleep or sleep, you mean disaster when you don't is on the watch, occuring.Need to be prepared in advance, so that at the last moment hurry-scurry, to is ominous, disaster will come.

A womanDreaming that I sleep, will give birth to a girl.

Young girl dreaming that I am sleeping, falling in love with a man, should be careful on the feelings.

Young man dreaming that I have a big sleep, not to mention.

Dreamed that his sleep was disturbed, means business difficulties will turn around, is engaged in the career development.

Dream of someone sleeping, is auspicious.

Dream of the wifeTo go to sleep, husband and wifeA blind dateLove each other, grow old together.

Dream of the enemy snoring of thunder, can conquer the enemy.

Patient dreamed be disturbed sleep, the body will recover soon.

Dream of psychology

If the dream of dream explanation: the dreamer to go to bed alone, a symbol with the hope to return to the arms of mother security and insurance.If it involves a fresh sheets on the bed, said must be from a new Angle to overcome those ideas.

If psychological analysis: the dreamer with another person to go to bed in a dream, may indicate the dreamer's sexual desire, or means the dreamer without fear or worry about his sexual impulse.

Spiritual symbol: a piece of bed may mean some sort of holy spirit, said the feeling of purity.

Dream to go to bed

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