Dream of damage

Dream of destruction is what mean?Dream dream of destruction?Dream of destruction have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of destruction of the detailed solution.

Dream of damage

Dream destroy the dramatic change in your life, refers to the dreamer may also refer to his cause trauma, here depends on the environment of dreams.If the dreamer destroyed what content, said he had to homemade.If to the dream of others, said the dreamer feel powerless in front of the change.

The dreamer knows that he may make some kind of emotional energy, and this energy only when he destroyed the old views and attitudes to use.

In the dream: destroy the symbol with fever and confusion.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dream refers to the dramatic changes in your life, may also refer to trauma caused by yourself, here depends on the dream environment.If you destroyed what, say you must be homemade.Damage, if the dream of others said you have when you destroyed the old views and attitudes to use.

Spiritual symbol: in the dream, destroy the symbol with fever and confusion.

Dream of case analysis

Dream description: I haven't done sabotage in real life, but once I dreaming that I am tempted to sabotage.My heart seems to be very angry, so I began to dance a sickle, grass hacked in the country, cut grass everywhere broken.(male, 20 years old)

Resolution: dream dream vandalism, represents the anger.Dream of break things, show that there are complaints in your heart, so the dream action will do damage to give vent to anger and resentment in your heart;Dream of destroying something, at the same time also in remind you no matter what thing, should control their emotions, don't lose his temper or impulsive.

Dream of damage related content

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