Dream of a brothel

What is the meaning of dream to a brothel?Dream dream of a brothel?Dream of a brothel has reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of detailed solutions to a brothel.

Dream of a brothel

Dream of you in a brothel, said your body is very healthy, energetic, but you often think daydreaming, although have many plans in my head, but as long as don't physically, it is hard to achieve.

Dream of myself in a brothel, said because you addicted to a certain things, can make your reputation, and seriously affected your work career.

Dreamt of a brothel, showed his addiction to something, may make his own reputation.

Dream of prostitutes, suggesting that your weakness will be the laughing stock, relatives and friends will look down on you, see you as a stumbling block.

Girls dreaming that I am a prostitute, suggesting that you are very easily misled by men, and would rather suffer for love sacrifice in exchange for a little bit of happiness, it is suggested to get enlightenment.

Dream of psychology

If the dream explanation:A womanDream of himself in the brothels, said she still refused to sexual desire.If the dream is a man, said he was afraid to a woman.

Psychoanalysis: dream meet brothels, display out and the desire of the sexual revolution.

Spiritual symbol: dream shows the dark side of women.Brothels could also said in the face of the woman and the spirit of fault and negligence.

Dream of a brothel

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