Dream of hungry

What is the meaning of dream feeling hungry?Dream dream of feeling hungry?Dream of hungry have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of hungry the detailed solution.

Dream of hungry

Hunger is a lack of.

Dreaming that I am hungry, means the lack of the heart, not peace, happiness, and fulfillment, should solve their own problems, to adjust the mentality to pursue career success, otherwise, the success of again big also can't bring happiness for oneself, to his doom.

Dreamed that he was starved to death, portend for doing nothing, and optical property.

Dream of famine end, will be a bright future, full of hope.

Dream of people hungry, is auspicious.

Dream of initial starving, then food abundance,The testCan get good grades.

Dream of the wifeWork and children starve when warning you need.

Dream of food to the hungry, is a good one million head.

Patient dreamed that hunger, the body will soon recover.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Others hunger, Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

Hungry after the first full that exam."The duke of zhou interprets"

His hunger, main is fierce."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: hunger illustrate the dreamer in my dream in the physical, emotional or mental requirements not met.The dreamer, however, could really feel the hunger and introduced the dream feeling.

Psychoanalysis: everyone has some must be meet the basic needs.If these needs cannot be met during waking hours, so they will be in the form of a symbol of hunger in a dream.

Spiritual symbol: at this level, hungry said people want to get spirit to meet the requirements of the and relief.

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