Dream of parents incense on the fire

Dream of parents incense on the fire is what mean?Dream dream of parents incense on the fire?Dream of parents built a fire has burned incense to the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of parents incense on the fire of the detailed solution.

Dream of parents incense on the fire

He built a fire, and burn incense to the dream of parents said the opposite sex friends.With more than heterosexual contacts, but because of this, temporary spending will increase, no amount of money is not enough.

A womanTravel dream of parents built a fire, and burn incense to the Lord there are difficulties, best to cancel.

Businessmen built a fire, and burn incense to the dream of parents suggested that business investment defeat, recently want to invest in careful, please.

People in love he built a fire, and burn incense to the dream of parents on behalf of your relationship will meet resistance from parents.

I found growing patient dreamed totempleThe goddess of the incense kowtow, said is auspicious, the body will recover.

Dream of parents incense on the fire

The duke of zhou interprets of query