Dream of struggle

Dream of struggle is what mean?Dream dream of struggle, ok?Dream of struggle with the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of struggle of the detailed solution.

Dream of struggle

Dream of struggle, this is a difficult dream, in the struggle of the meaning of this dream depends on the content, but also must consider many of the details.But generally speaking, in the struggle of the dream is always about the health of a dream.

Dream of fighting with others, predict the recent you may not get depressed because of those things.

Dreamed that two men fighting, suggest you will be involved in the dispute, to engage in a lawsuit.

Dream of two animals fight, predict life troubles, will be very painful.

Dream fight with family and friends that you will cash-strapped.

Dreamed of andA womanFight that you will be infamous.

Dream of women fight, predicting the destruction.

Dream of struggle

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