Dream of enemies

What is the meaning of dream of enemies?Dream dream of enemies?Dream of enemies with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you dreamed of enemies of the detailed solution.

Dream of enemies

Dreamed of was wounded by the enemy, bespeak your body strong.

Dream of enemies, business prosperity.

Dreaming that I use knife stabbed the enemy, the business depression.

Dreamed of enemies case analysis

Describe the dream: dream be enemies, I fled to the river.There is a log raft in the river, on the raft ride a hut, seems to be a temporary home water people.I lurk under the raft, lean inwards, no one, in the tent seems to go in, but I don't have to go in.(male, 20 years old)

Dreams resolution: there are four main dream the dream like that the enemy, the river, not row, hut.On the river raft is equivalent to a small environment.Hut is a symbol of the house, on behalf of the family at this time.Here also take home a raft.The river here on behalf of drift from place to place, not stable life.The enemy symbol of danger.

This dream indicates that you may be considering whether to fall in love with a girl, but you think your future is uncertain, unstable, for you are not satisfied with the girl at the same time, so I decided to drift or well.River separated from the land, so it is blocking, symbol of boundary.

Dream of enemies

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