Dream of cigar

Dream of what is meant by the cigar?Dream dream of cigar?Dream of cigar with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of cigar smoking detailed solution.

Dream of cigar

Dream of cigar smoking, good omen, portends a will have a good luck.

Man dreamed that he was smoking, it is a good one million head, the dreamer in the near future there will be a fortune, but also very rich.

A womanDreaming that I am smoking is a bad omen, is likely to be in the near future by others accidentally insult or long-awaited failed, is also likely to suffer from disease, need a detailed inspection on their own.

Businessman dreaming that I am smoking means within recent business will have greater development, is likely to go abroad development related business, there will be a fortune.

Prisoners dreaming that I smoke, the near future can regain freedom, was released.

Workers dream about in the smoke, the dreamer in the day will have the opportunity to earn a lot of money, should be more careful.

Dream about smoking, the patient of his disease in recent period of time there will be no signs of improvement, on the contrary will be long-term bedridden.

Dreamed that a lot of people smoking in the together, the dreamer will be loved and supported by the people, is likely to promotion in position.

Girls dream of smoke cigarettes, hinted that it would marry respectable family.

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