Dream is the gun

Shot dreamed what meaning be?Shot a dream dreamed that ok?Shot dream with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of shot dozen detailed solution.

Dream is the gun

Shot dream, dreamed that he was a gun shot, very soonTo get married, or going to a relative's wedding.Dreamed someone shot himself, was not hurt, will be charged with crimes, but because of insufficient evidence, will be released.

Dream of killed by guns, said you because they have been subjected to some kind of persecution, and in the heart is difficult to heal wounds, unforgettable in my life.And if it is the dream that you are playing with a gunThe dead, said you were condemned by public opinion.

Dreamed that he was killed by a gun, associated with the feeling of life be negative, or encounter some setbacks and failures.Gun is refers to the individual ability, was shot dead, a person ability performance problems, were killed, said any setbacks and obstacles, if accompanied by sad in my dream, may be your own abilities and reality is not recognized.

Dream of got a pistol, means that the dreamer will be respected at all.Dream of stealing a pistol, remind the dreamer need more hard work, in order to get more economic source.Dream of pistol lost, means that the dreamer is very heavy sentiment, very sense of responsibility are desirable, and TongShengSi family, the danger.

Women dream of gunfire, remind the dreamer in meeting people should pay attention to communication, don't arguing with people, or reputation.

Dream of gunfire, reminding the dreamer in the place where there is improper handling, need to make plan.

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