Dream of being scolded

Dream of being scolded is what mean?Dream dream scolded?Dream of scolded a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of being scolded the detailed solution.

Dream of being scolded

Dream of scolded representatives have disputes, abused is a reproach, is with rough language, abuse is usually scold people how many there will be wrong.

Dream of being abused, means had conflict with each other, and are likely to be caused by their own, the dream is suggested that you may cause disputes, and people will also may be a sign of insecurity.Of course, if the wronged, in reality ever quarrel with people, been scold, etc., left a deep impression in his brain, the dream is perhaps is the representation of reality.

Dream of been cursing himself very sad, sad, happy to sad is a kind of bear, indicate that you have the courage to bear the life will not be any things break, so in the dream, sad is a kind of happiness.

Continuous dream is that you are not satisfied with myself, always high standard requests itself, is very strict with himself, to improve myself.

Dreaming that I was scold the dog blood spray head, this means that you may have in their daily lives to offend anyone, or done something wrong I'm sorry but the others always refused to admit, subconscious hidden guilt and shame, so dream about being scold the dog's situation, hope to let others leave their scold the dog blood spray head, to reduce and balance their own feelings of guilt and shame, so dream of be scold more timid, but the cheerful heart, there is also a possibility is that indicate that you want to meet with someone or familiar, but in reality there is no way, so use this dream, poured this purpose.

Dreamed that he be scold, indicate that you may feel beautiful enough usually, whether internal or external, it may not have self-confidence, also shows that you are confident and self experience and thinking ability.

Unmarried men and women dream of oneself be like of the person scold, show that you hope to get the attention of the one you like, let the other side, knowing their thoughts, but he was not confident, not sure each other will love themselves, is keen to but very contradictory psychology again, remind you often need to grasp the happiness in their own hands, as long as dare to confidence take the first step, active may instantly seize happiness at all.

Married men and women dream of the beloved scold, shows that in reality you love too much to own request, expectations are high, so when you make love is not happy with the performance of, love is discontent, have had their own situation, you may bring the image into a dream, that is life fragments, estimates that you recently feel performance didn't meet the expectations of love again, feel may be scolded, if love really often scold at you, that you are want to love more gentle, caring, expect to get more understanding and consideration.

Dreamed that he was a lover scold, also is a kind of self review suggests that you may be regarded as your remorse and upset, if you feel at ease, feel oneself is very hard, do have a lot of achievements, it will not do this dream, because in reality it is not a good idea to do, so the dream lover call myself actually means you are not satisfied with yourself.

Dreamed of by their parents scold, indicate that you parents love their parents usually gives all the love to their children, hope children have ambition in the future, be somebody, can have a big as, parents will be competitive, hope a less-pressured, will be more strict with their children, hope children can according to their wishes, has planned route development, but it will actually aeriform in give you increase the pressure, although his heart also hope to be able to satisfy the desire of the parents, but because of various reasons, temporarily haven't live up to the expectations of parents, you are usually very concerned parents opinion of himself, and is a accumulate over a long period of care, clearly feel the situation is not optimistic, if not timely solve, the pressure will be greater.

Or indicate that you are two generations with parents, opinions on certain things, view will be different with parents, and sometimes even opposite, but you are also very care about the feelings of parents, afraid of the controversial speech with parents, if a relaxed state of mind to face the generation gap, in fact is not, as long as learn to communicate with their parents, the parents are hurt children, more considerate of them.

Dreamed of being the boss scold, usually do the newbies this dream, for the new job, for all is not familiar with, also may appear error on the job, will encounter all sorts of challenges, remind you must insist, everything needs to have a process to adapt to, need to play to their strengths, to study hard business knowledge, usually also want to reflect on the lack of work and their own shortcomings, calm thinking, strengthen confidence, certainly will become the master in the workplace.

Dreamed that he was the boss scolded to cry, indicate that you care about oneself is currently engaged in the work, trying to prove themselves, improve their performance and expect to get others' recognition, remind you dedicated work attitude is the foundation.

Dreamed of being led to scold, suggesting that you may be in some places did not reached the requirements of leadership, is a sign of fear, also may be indicate that you want to express themselves in front of leadership, let leadership recognition, reuse of themselves.

Dream of scolded by the teacher, may indicate that you recently in learning some knowledge, a skill or knowledge, met a bottleneck, also may be due to the slack, appeared on the spirit does not meet their expectations, or talk about cooperation with the customer temporarily no results, anyway is some not satisfied with yourself, the teacher is teaching skills, as far as in study, to master certain skills in themselves do not fully, will dream of being scolded by the teacher.

Dream of being scolded

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