Dream broken

Dream of broken is what mean?Dream dream of broken?Dream of break with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of break a detailed solution.

Dream broken

Dream broken, not a good dream.Dream of broken with his one arm or leg, says management confusion, may result in failure.

Dream of broken furniture, said family quarrels and mentality is not calm.

Dream of breaking the glass, said family bereavement.

Dream of broken ring, crazy and dangerous violence, violence is often caused by jealousy disputes, for example, will destroy the normal order.

Dreamed of lightning trees fracture and burst into flames, so that this love will be a whirlwind.

Dream of broken cherry tree branches, said health in the shadow.The possibility of injury.If you like to play basketball or roller skating, must be doubly careful.

A dream of climbing trees broken branches, indicate that your friends or relatives, may be some trouble will happen in the near future, or accidental injury.

Dream of broken cherry tree branches, said health in the shadow.The possibility of injury.If you like to play basketball or roller skating, must be doubly careful.

Dream of broken key, said family unfortunate events may occur, or with your lover will become mutual suspicion, can no longer trust each other, two people have to give up finally, result in separation.

Dream of the tombThe trees were broken, this is bad, the symbol of indicate that you recently there may be a lawsuit.

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