Dream of the stray

What is the meaning of dream of wandering?Dream dream of wandering?Dream of wandering with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of wandering the detailed solution.

Dream of the stray

Dreaming that I am in stray, said the expectations in your inner recognised by others or get around environmental protection, eager to settle.

Dreaming that I am in the evening, wearing shabby clothes, feet wandering aimlessly. Said your expectations will be lost, there will always be setbacks influence your efforts.

Dreamed that he was wandering in the street, said he and the people around will be a dispute.

Dreaming that I have a house can't belong to that his will be a successful career in business.

Dreamed that he was homeless, said he will be free to soar in the business world, free.

Dream of the wandering case analysis

"Dream case 1"

The dream description: I don't know what the stray feeling, in my dream, however, the track time.I started wandering journey, back bags, as the first stop stray into the desert.Across the desert, to a lush country, then I start a new journey again.(male, 28)

Resolution: dream dream stray, is a meaning opposite dream.Dreaming that I am in stray, it shows that you are a free, free, some romance, some naive.A dream, you wandering, is indicated in the deep heart's core, you want that kind of peaceful and quiet life, eager to have a warm home, eager to have a good lover.

"Dream case 2"

Dream description: I dreamed that I wear two different brand shoes stray, sleep on the street, an old red cloth coverThe quiltAnd then met a boy, he made me from comedown to success, and then I take off the two is not a pair but matchs together to wear comfortable shoes.Look at their blue pattern.

Dream parsing: it seems that your material life is very rich, but your inner world is empty, you come into contact with a new things (or engaged in a new job), let you feel life is full of fun.

Suggest you along your current lifestyle, to find some useful things for yourself to do more.

The meaning of the dream wanderer to scrutinize the specific content, will the details carefully classification, comparison, and make it produce.Generally speaking, dreamed that he was homeless, is an attempt in your environment to seek spiritual refuge, are predicted to seek peace.

If the dream of give a person with food or help in all forms, while increasing your social status.If you refuse to help others, which indicated you will be in the future of social work is hard work, but the rewards are much lower than you imagine.

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