Strange dream

Dream of strange dream

This dream will often appeared again and again.The dreamer dreams herself in a familiar environment.Sometimes, the dream scenario in reality even you feel has never been to, but actually repeatedly appears in the dream.

This dream, often is childhood memory, has made a deep impression in your subconscious mind some experience of the deformation.It could be some pleasant childhood experience, may also be a sad experience, it will be in accordance with the dream of the environment when your emotions.

If the former, the dream in that environment you feel happy, very relaxed, is the body for a pleasant experience a return, is the body to relax myself.If the latter, it is a release of anxiety in the past.In either case, it is the body of a kind of beneficial self-regulation.

People, after sleeping on the surrounding some conventional stimulus it gets very slow reaction.Some subtle weak stimulation during the day but will then turn into strong signal, passed to the cerebral cortex, and is strengthened in some active areas.

To do such a dream, often or sleeping during the day, some subtle stimulate the formation of the signal in the external environment and in the dream be amplified, and aroused the memory of a period of important buried in the subconscious.

And, in fact, in your mind, this paragraph of memory may already fuzzy, and even forgotten, in the dream, just after the subconscious processing deformation forms.So in a dream, you will feel dream environment, people and things, "deja vu".Have never been to, but I felt familiar;Don't know, but feel where is seen.

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