Dream of wild

What is the meaning of dream of wild?Dream dream of wild?Dream of wild reality and the influence of the reaction and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of wild detailed solution.

Dream of wild

Dream you unbridled, indicated that your business will be unexpected or reverse unfavorable conditions.

Wild dream of others character that bad things will make you very worry and sad.

Dream of crazy laugh about weird things, said he was disappointed and not harmonious surroundings.

Dream of bile suddenly become bigger, is auspicious trillion, bold no panic, had this dream, do not go forward, life have a slightly.

Crazy shopping is not often want to material enjoyment, but to spiritual enjoyment.In a dream, dreamed of in a department store to buy the buy that represent themselves with a relaxed mood recently.Not trusting others subconscious prompt myself too.

Dreaming that I am crazy shopping in a department store, which indicated his happy recently there will be some trivial things, let oneself suddenly realized that some sense.

Dreaming that I am in the department store to buy discount sale items, indicate his easy, pound-foolish for showed recently.

Dreaming that I bought a lot of people in a department store, bespeak his interpersonal relationship will be improved, but the relative loss will have their own money.

Dreaming that I am in the department store bought a lot of things on their own with no, bespeak his efforts will be in vain did JiaYiChang to others.

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