Dream of decay

Dream of decay is what mean?Dream dream of decay?Dream of decay with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of rotting detailed solution.

Dream of decay

Dream of rotten things that go through wind and rain, pain after presage a freshman.

Dream of the rotten apple, is not a good omen.The main apple goods, if the dream of rotten apples, means you recently have economic losses.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream to see decay means decomposition and death, in real life maybe said failure and no ability to sustain life.You may not be aware of the results, so the dream to remind you to pay attention to face the facts.

Disintegration of psychoanalysis: decomposition or group - like a partnership that may appear in my dream to decay.If something fundamentally will lead to the result of total collapse, the dream may be appeared in rancid flavor, in fact: is dead.

Spiritual symbol: in terms of spirit, a newborn things produce before, always show the damage and collapse.Your inner fear of this process may show the rotting in the dream.Of course, rotting also said death directly.

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