Dream of fish

Dream of what is meant by the fish market?Dream dream of fish?Dream of fish market reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution of the fish market.

Dream of fish

A dream walked into a fish market, predict life happiness, full of competitiveness.

Dream of selling fish, property will suffer.

Dream of fishAnd get rich.

Dream of buying fish, will inherit the property of others.

Dreaming that kill fish, a good omen that life will be happy.

And then dream of fishingKill the fish, you will continue to try to make money, and then can live a carefree life.

A pregnant womanDreamed that kill fish, is the writing on the wall, the risk of miscarriage.

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