Dream of the post office

What is the meaning of dream of the post office?Dream dream of the post office?Dream of the post office has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize detailed solution on the dream of the post office.

Dream of the post office

Dream of the post office, signal is bad, is often associated with your bad luck.

Dream of stamps, usually indicates there will be a fortune, increase income, wealth increase.

Dream of receiving stamps, indicate your popularity news fast.

Dreamed of tear stamps that along the way, you will encounter difficulties.

Dream of the postman send letters, and these letters are exactly what their fervent hope, that there will be a major business or personal life, there will be a happy situation;

Dream of the postman delivered the newspaper, suggests that the dreamer efforts in her career will get a good return, a satisfactory result.

There is a 30 - year - old man said: "these days, I every day in looking forward to the reply.Dream, I saw the postman brought me a newspaper, but not letter, I need some of my disappointment.But not long after, express mail bus, the postman handed me the letter is just what I need."Soon after he signed a contract with a company.

Dream of the post office

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