Dream of graveyard

Dream of graveyard is what mean?Dream dream of graveyard, ok?Dream of graveyard with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of graveyard detailed solution.

Dream of graveyard

Dream cemetery, expressed his inner desire to say goodbye to the past, began to rebirth.According to the traditional"Duke of zhou interprets"Point of view, men dream of cemetery, predicted the longevity and health.A womanDream of the cemetery, you indicated that you have bad mood.

Unmarried men and women dream of go to visit the cemetery, predict will marry the beautiful wife, loyal husband or contentment.

The lovestruck men and women dream to go to the cemetery, indicated that love will be deep for a long time.

Married men and women to do such a dream, suggesting that conjugal love, family harmony, strong feelings.

Dream of the grave, suggest you with relatives, friends feelings will further deepen.In need of help, can ask friends for help and advice.

Dream of the desertedThe grave, said sad.

Dream of build cemetery, or cemetery, vigilance, suggested may be someone at home is sick, or death.The patient to do such a dream, suggesting that the illness will increase.

Dreaming that I am walking in the cemetery, indicated that old age happiness, carefree, lives out.

If the dream of the night through the graveyard, or dream of feeling damp cemetery, is physical health decline, said recent should pay attention to rest, compensatory nutrition, lest fell ill.

If the dream of sleep in the churchyard, predict will have good luck, get unexpected huge benefits, or profit.

Dreamed that he fell into the grave, said will lose friendship because you feel very lonely.

Dream of an open grave, or empty tomb, also suggested that you want to out of sight depressive life, or frustrated career, to start a new life.

Dream of graves, suggesting that there may be a hidden enemy trying to frustrate you.

Dream of their own grave, and said in the last of life, a story, or some aspect of their farewell, predict rebirth.

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