Dream of boudoir

Dream of boudoir is what mean?Dream dream boudoir, ok?Dream of boudoir have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of boudoir detailed solution.

Dream of boudoir

Dream of tidy up boudoir, said you to be low-level fun, waste his best years.

If we can correctly guide their own desires, life will give you a good return.

A womanDream of yourself and others live together a boudoir, said she would pleasure, she usually choose married men.

If dreaming that I am particularly fond of boudoir, indicated that compared with other pursuit, she put the things in the first place, but this kind of happiness is the characteristics of transient.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dreams GuiKun prosperous business.Rich people have this dream, Lord Sun Zhi exuberant;Rich people have this dream, after the master yue.Women have the dream, the main body and mind conger;Aging have this dream, body health of age long.If the dream is indoor air, meaning the opposite."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: building embodies the structure of your life, there are attitude, ideas, and beliefs, all of these are based on experience how you feel, accumulate a lot of habits and customs or according to his family.At the people can know another person a lot of information, people can understand your personal heaven and earth, so, the dream see buildings also reflects your personality, hope and grief.

Psychoanalysis: describes the room you various character traits or knowledge areas, of course, it is more symbolic mother and mother's arms.

The upstairs room usually symbolize the spirit characteristics.Basement reflects your intention to suppress aspects, and also marks the family customs and habits, especially involving parents in a dream of housing and housing.From one room into another room said their situation changes.Empty room symbolizes the life lacks a lot of content, such as lack of comfort, lack of support, etc.

Spirit: from the spiritual point of view, building generally belongs to the protected space, you can in efforts to promote their own development.

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