Dream city

Dream of the city is what mean?Dream dream of city, ok?Dream of city has a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy city detailed solution.

Dream city

Dream of a seemingly endless wide roads in the city, and high-rise buildings, the scene of a traffic crowded streets or empty street, all indicate that you feel the world indifference, eager to more intimacy between people.

If dreams are city is very big, your heart a blank, how couldn't get to the end, suggest life make you tired, let you feel difficult or want to get ahead.

Dreamed of night neon city sights, indicates the recent love progress there will be a surprise.

Dream of the day in the bustling city streets through the signal will be started for a living.

If the dream of the city walls, suggest your inner desire to be alone, or conservative personality, refused to change, for some new ideas, new things have a boycott.

Dream of the ruins of the city, often within the symbol you have gradually forgotten my thoughts, plans and ambitions, or said the ideal alienation.

Dream of hear strange city destroyed, means relatives houses collapsed.

Dreamed about in the street corner is filled with trash, health flashing red light.Should pay attention to the respiratory system disease.Don't assume that a cold not a big deal, when you will, pound-foolish.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

City cover house, big geely."The duke of zhou interprets"

Crime in the city, go out.The duke of zhou interprets liancheng cyan, hei ji."The duke of zhou interprets" leads the city, are obtained."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream city destroyed and fierce.Musquash pour destroyed, the variation of the family.Lord more trouble, the conversion of to a disaster."Lin xuan solution

Dream city jinbi as a gem.This dream into Jin Chengyu, gain mountain.People dream, rich luster;Your dream, GuanLu suffers bestow favor on, status is important."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Clouds, dream of the city.Whoever seeks fame for profit,To get marriedBecause raw ZiXi, is good omen."Lin xuan solution

Dream outside the city.Outside the city, guo also.That dream this mega everything is ready, have protection.The main guo, meet the opportunity, into its beauty also."The dream Lin Xuan solution" dream city, business."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of general guarding city.The master in the dream of others.Allowed into is auspicious, see refuse is fierce.The king of the dream, the main with help of thousands of the city.The rest dream this is not for profit."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream lightning ring.When all things carefully, not suddenly also."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream into the underground city, around.The gate of the city of hades iron also.But see and not into, or into and it is concluded that the children of judah.If dream inside, then the sick westward journey, litigation cast in prison, main foreboding."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Overtown was holding, official position."The duke of zhou interprets"

Uptown is pulled, ji."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if the dream of a city, especially the dream of a familiar city, the said collective or belong to a group membership.Dreams also showed that the desire in the thought and the social environment.A vibrant city may represent you hope for social communication, while the empty city shows that the people around you feel be ignored and isolation.

Psychology analysis: a city there are always a core group.You pass it describes his job in a dream or you in work and personal opportunities.

Spiritual symbol: your own spiritual groups, may be expressed through the city.

Dream of the case analysis of the city

Dream description: nearly 20 years, old often dreamed that he appeared in a different corner of the strange city, although each time the dream place and contents are different, but the dream scenario and has relationship between each other, even can form a complete map.In this city, there are miles and miles of mountains, lakes, as if also near the sea, and the city has a very perfect railway system, whether is it light rail, high-speed rail, have appeared in a dream.

Resolution: dream dream of strange city, place and content is different, but the dream scenario has relationship between each other, show the strange city is likely to represent subconscious or the "map" of the mind.Dream fictional scenario largely influences the real condition of the dreamer.This dream mean potential will gradually come out, because the city's railway system is perfect, reflects the orbit of life, the plan of life, thinking clearly.Dream scene can also reflect the inner state: have mountains, lakes, sea city, represents a target, have ideal, a calm heart or emotional stability.The sea on behalf of the heart of the unknown and mysterious in the field.There is an explanation, the dream is likely to represent the city in various body systems, such as railway on behalf of the circulation of blood vessels.Generally speaking, it is to explore the dream, the subconscious mind usually delegates will have a bright future.

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