Dream of care

Dream of care is what mean?Dream dream of care?Dream of care have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dream of care of small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of care

Dreaming that I am in as someone else, or take care of the injured, said you to family and friends are very concerned about, is full of love.

If the dream of their care from others, desire to be in your heart care.

Students dreamed of taking care ofThe childPredictor for youThe testGenerally, performance may be caused by too naughty, at ordinary times affected their academic performance.

Dream to take care of the case analysis

A 】 【 case

Description: dreams I dreamed that I take care of a strangerThe little boy, as if someone bullied him, I put the man to beat.I usually don't like a child, I'm notA woman, didn't get that kind of maternal love, but love to the little boy has a dream in my beautiful, I don't know what is the meaning of the dream

Dreams resolution: the little boy in my dream, is representative of your family, you take care of the little boy, say is you take care of your family, you at ordinary times is a caring person.

The second case.

The dream description: I dreamed about a tinybaby, like the size of the palm of your hand, I hold him to the bed, help him to take a soft thing molded into the pillow, feeling bad environment at that time, the sky is dark.

Dream resolution: tiny baby, represents the vulnerable groups, and show that you at ordinary times is very caring for disadvantaged groups.

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