Dream of walking in the water

Dream of walking in the water is what mean?Dream dream of walking in the water?Dream of walking in the water with the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of walking in the water of the detailed solution.

Dream of walking in the water

So-called: water, in the dream, walking on the water, is the symbol of his own inner world of the serene, said his own inner relative peace.

Dreaming that I am walking on the water carefully, bespeak her life will be happy, but there will be some small troubles always troubling you.

Dreaming that I am walking on the surface of the free, bespeak his body will be a long and healthy life, and in a short period of time will have no trouble.

Dreaming that someone walking freely on the surface of the water, I also want to try but fall into the water, said he would get hurt by rivals to very serious.

Dream of walking in the water, will be helped by god.

The prisoner dream of walking in the water, can free soon.

The patient dreamed that go in the water, body will be healthy soon.

Dream of walking on the water, said the love will be successful, a good result.

Dream of standing in the water still suggest that friends will have a misfortune.

Dream of walking on the sea, this is a big organization or group work into fame and fortune, a sign of surprise people around you.

Dream of walking the related content in the water

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