Pay more attention to the "meaning" of life

Pay more attention to the "meaning" of life

I wrote an article in Singapore, is to tell people to everywhere of homophonic meaning to themselves and others.Article titled: "look from the bra moral influence on luck.

Regardless of which corner, which we are living in the world, everyone is very importance to one thing: homophonic meaning.Homophonic meaning refers to according to the text, language, names, place names, such as harmonics to determine the stand or fall of feng shui or something good or ill luck.Homophonic meaning of luck is very important to us, so that if someone dares to against the tide, regardless of the moral, then, is not a health problem is poorer, or emotional marriage.Said today, I compiled for readers to hear, for everybody to think.

Singapore's "omen"

Make a one thing in Singapore 2010.Someone in a residential building will on one side of the bra strap tightly tied to two elevators armrest and let the bra hanging in a conspicuous position, sometimes one, sometimes two.Abnormal condition crazy even with wire bra hung from the ceiling the elevator, when people take the elevator bra, hangs on his head.As a result, problems emerge in endlessly, even somebody commit suicide by jumping off a building, etc.

From the perspective of feng shui, I think this is really bad.Because "bra" and "omen" homophonic, like "shoes" and "evil" in Chinese.We can't will head into their shoes, the toe should go outside.By the same token, the bra and not random, such as the bra casually throw on the bed, sofa, even inside the car and so on, are very bad.If the air is basked in, bra has a high head, is also a prime.Why it also suggests that, in places such as Hong Kong, upstairs residents can not be on a bra outside the window, otherwise, the downstairs everyday "omen", somebody else can promise?

"In shangqiu" story

Huai hai campaign, the kuomintang (KMT), the second corps Lt. commander qing-quan qiu forces such as the office a nasty setbacks.When he returned to henan shangqiu, in shock suddenly shout loudly 1: "is not good, shangqiu, hurt the high also!Can't in this city, and quickly withdrew to somewhere else."

"Huangtian international airport"

Named in 1998, shenzhen airport huangtian international airport, passengers do not want to found a lot of overseas passengers, especially Taiwan to the airport, further to Hong Kong or guangzhou baiyun international airport flight or land.Investigate its reason, didn't know the "huangtian" with "yellow" homophonic in hokkien, passengers will be easily to huangtian airport "to" go to the road of yellow ", how unlucky name!In October 2001, shenzhen huangtian international airport will have to "shenzhen huangtian international airport" renamed "shenzhen baoan international airport," "baoan" and "save" homophonic, contains a "protect" peace, changed its name after the airport reception of foreign passengers have increased obviously.

Why afraid of liu bang "stress"

"Historical records? Zhang ear biography records:" han eight years, went to lodge, asked, 'county name?"Yue:" people parker.'people, parker also forced not lodge."Said the emperor gaozu liu bang in a battle of li road, passing people parker county (hebei) southwest of baixiang county, it was already dark, according to the march schedule arrangement, should stay here.Just want to live down, he asked about what is this place, or so says this is parker county, liu bang was a surprised: "cypress, cypress!"Liu bang to chew this two word again and again.

"Not to live, we'll hurry!"Thought of liu suddenly stood up, ordered after march.

"The emperor, you should have a good rest!"Men is very confused, but dare not to ask why.

"What is a person?Harmonics, with forced people being stress is impossible!"

Although liu bang to the interpretation of the "people" parker has no scientific basis, but he was so survived a murder.

At that time in the hotel, where the people parker county liu lurking zhao prime minister sent through high killer, is hidden in the hotelThe toilet, it's a place where no one can avoid, liu bang is no exception.Therefore, they put the hand in the here.In principle, these assassination plot, should not be known.Who knows to the second year, someone reported, according to the the assassination.

Similarly, when the good military adviser corps commander pang tong, young chicken, and zhuge liang."The romance of The Three Kingdoms" in a "phoenix", the result when he goes out there by line was killed, was shot lok ma, is the meaning of "phoenix".

Heaven on audio and video playback hall to heaven

There was a "heaven audio and video playback by henan jiaozuo railway station hall", on March 29, 2000fireBurned to death on the spot, 74 people, shocked the country.Jiaozuo of coke burning, heaven is a place where people go after death, the evening show video is "burning girl", the image of a portfolio, the fierce, is produced under the participation of other factors, the disaster happened.interesting

Is a person to escape the named Han Bin, homophonic ice, water, fire, and of course he can escape, and ice in the fire, and ice (himself) can protect the body, as a result, he and becauseThe fireSin was sentenced.

Yantai shipwreck survivors

"Yantai perils of the sea" in 1999, 282 people were killed and 22 people alive, there are two call "hai-ping wang" and two "wang lung" of people alive at the same time.One hai-ping wang complain of notswimming, was rescued after wearing a life jacket drift ashore.The so-called "sea level", natural again big disaster can peace;"Wang lung" is upside down to read "dragon king", the dragon king, of course, is the undead.In addition, also survivable Zhu Honglin, Du Yunwei, Ma Shiqi Zhu Honglin is forestry wood driver, much water drift wood, so the perils of the sea he also dipped die;Yun wei let alone, feel your luck is great, if he is dead can also great?"Ma Shiqi", can ride a horse is dead, the horse is of modern car and ship, it's not, as to ride on the boat sank he?

Dimrilldalehillside harmonics wear loss

1 p.m. on March 17, 1946, 13 points, the kuomintang military intelligence chiefs dai to take American DC47 type conveyer, 222 in nanjing jiangning county town board over dimrilldalehillside suddenly crashed, dai and its accompanying all died.

For dai li's death, has "wear machine dimrilldalehillside, rain farmers died in the rain", for the death of the dai cover a layer of mysterious color because "dimrilldalehillside" homophonic "funeral".

More surprisingly, the plane crashed mountain, security forces have been can't find the body of the dai, the final is in a valley called "trapped rain trench" found in the body.Dai word "rain farmers", while dimrilldalehillside mountaintop a trapped rain trench, as if somehow arrange Dai Yu farmers trapped in here.When there is a little below the family temple, dai buried in the rain dimrilldalehillside, some say this is not coincidence, is meant to be here is buried wear.Looks like "phoenix", "dimrilldalehillside", "trapped rain trench" them for a particular character formed a "fierce" geomantic effect.

Buy back to the sheep, massive hemorrhage

Xinxin tells the story of a long gave me his living things:

Me to zhuhai a boss's house, to see its side of the door of the bedroom a sundry ark, put a big sheep ceramic, ceramic sheep mouth with a bunch of money, all the way to the sheep, sheep have two money among broken, ceramic sheep

Arts and crafts are very beautiful, the boss to lose.Then I said to the boss, you buy back to the sheep, you will be bleeding

, you will because of two things to break a big fortune 2 million, sheep homophonic "a windfall.Results: the boss is bleeding, it is a stomach bleeding while travelling in Australia, spent more than 80 ten thousand yuan;The second is to send her daughter to Australia to study, spent 1.2 million, two things break (New York) fortune 2 million.

Due to the handicraft is really beautiful, or to lose, they will put it in the living room of the gentry, broke the money for the hexagrams, for the loss, number is 2, and sheep, and he is he, the number is 8, just put on for five minutes, the daughter is called to ask mother passbook password, to the parents to be 280000 yuan to buy a car, still have to loss of 280000 yuan, this is for my daughter's dowry, the sooner or later.

The boss added: "this is my business partnership, a friend sent sent give grazed the sheep handicraft. When I was"I said: "a breakdown in his relationship with you and the friend."He said: "yes.Since the friend comes less than two months after the sheep, the man disappeared, to now also don't know where, still owe me some money, not many."

The meaning of some words or harmonics embedded in specific, if in isolation, may not have what good or ill luck, once with

Set of objects together, can produce effect.So, how should we pay attention to the moral problems at ordinary times?In particular, I suggested friends pay attention to the following points.

Pay attention to the meaning of language

For instance name should pay attention to the moral.No one will wear name is "unfaithful", no one eats food of a name is "thirteen", more no one will use is called "babaoshan" furniture.

Good name is half the success, bad product named it would scare off 80% of the customers.Good brand name is not a must looks elegant and profound, is a cultural taste, but to attract the attention of consumers.That is to say: good brand name its implication.

Pay attention to the meaning of life

I have been told many friends,moveWhen you open the new faucet, moral bonanza;The fan,

Open air conditioning to blow blow, are flawed.If you don't pay attention to these, going her own way, so I'm afraid in the future there will be a hemp

Pest.I also said that net problems, some friends unappreciative, his net for the "poor", "lonely life", "early to go to heaven" and so on, the end will be present.

Pay attention to the work of meaning

Some friends in the work or business, in order to show modesty, often said: "I can't", "what is not our company", "we do this project with a lot of" such words, in fact, the meaning is very bad.Slowly you will feel you really not line, the company really is divided.Therefore, must feel in any circumstances, their work is great.Look at that foreigner, no race, you blowing everywhere, how can we do."Line" is very important.

Pay attention to the moral of the mascot

Mascots are many, including some of the things you home or in the office.I have been to a struggle in the securities industry's home, quickly found that the wall was hung with a bull's head, the other end is hung with xinjiang dobro (jean).The moral of the mascot is very bad, it is "casting pearls before swine"!Fry even just strange.In fact, this phenomenon also

There are a lot of, some young people will hang a knife in his neck, and someone on the body as a monster, will bring bad luck to oneself.

China should remember a lot of people, there is a singing star, "big China" song when he was out of the tape, even in such a strange figure tape cover design: move their head in the photo, the part of the head with a musical instrument, two hands holding his head.As a result, sure enough it didn't take long, the famous singer got sick and died.

Whether you believe it or not, whether you need or not need, is objective existence.Therefore, I hope that friends and clear the importance of the homophonic meaning in life, always pay attention to use good moral, avoid bad moral, make life more beautiful.

Pay more attention to the "meaning" of life

The duke of zhou interprets of query