Wrong color may be broken your event

Wrong color may be broken your event

Color is through the eye, brain and our experience of life and a kind of light generated by the visual effect.Color can be divided into two categories: the color and color.The color is black, white, and between the two different shades of gray.Color or color series refers to the various color besides black and white series.The human eye can distinguish about ten million total colors, but this is only an estimate, because the structure of the eye everybody is different, everyone see color has a little different.When the wrong color, may be bad for your event.

The so-called "wrong color", it is to point to in your surrounding scenery color produced by the impact of to you., for example, the color of the clothes you wear, the color of your handbag, the color of your office environment, you are the color of the environment that occupy the home, even when you are driving, from a place of light into the dark place such as tunnel produced by the color difference and so on, these are for you health, luck, emotion and so on have a significant impact.These effects may be short, also may be long

, it depends on how long these wrong color beside you reside.So, how to judge yourself for what colors?Man was born determine his own state of the five elements, like everyone born determine his animal sign, this is not to change, I repeatedly mentioned the problem in the past the post.Importantly, their own state of the five elements is closely linked with the color, for example, the basic water and fire, when you are short of some, such as gold, then mean that white is the color of be fond of you;The basic water and soil you too much, then means you need to yellow is taboo.Therefore, to know what works for her, what colors, color, taboo must first know how his own numerology five lines, can't conformity, more can't confirm his be fond of color blind.

Different colors of the five elements of gold: white wood series, green series water: black series: fire series of red soil, yellow series of different colors of different meaning

White moral justice and pure

Black moral rectitude, dignified

Red considered great, sincerely

Green implication was buried, stubborn

Pink implication clever, lively

Blue means youth, acute

Purple implication guarded, overweight

Moral gray uncertain, ambiguous

Moral were carried out by beautiful, beautiful

Light green moral wisdom, peace

Will be seeing in a red suit

Respect, integrity, a young;

Serious, forthright, composed, lonely;

Zhong geng, festive, scary, dangerous,

A perverse, flattering fraud, jealousy, youth;

Lovely, romantic, romantic, insane,

Energetic, decent, helpful, fast,

Patience, determination, elegant, mysterious;

Cool, calm;

Soft, comfortable;

Quiet, serene.


Enchanting, sensuality, frivolous;

Lonely, quiet, tolerant, tender feelings

I once said, the person's luck is good or bad it is important to gas, the color of the clothes and house curtilage door color has the same effect.A professional feng shui master, must pay attention to when not introduction to outside air, at the same time a subconscious will notice that the color of the door.Similarly, a person wearing a color is also very important.

Paying special attention to red color.If five lines is wrong, then you will be seeing in a red suit.Similarly, from the point of housing, red door to the most undesirable too much, is a signal of terror.Some people meet Yin color is opposite, as red as a resistance, this is a great mistake, it will attract evil, population, resulting in house or company more resistant to a lawsuit.

Blue-black easy to recruit Yin, disease, return money

Usually if five line is wrong, then you use blue and black color, easy to recruit Yin, get ill, return money.So wear blue and black color clothes should pay attention to time and place.In the same way, from the point of housing, also need to pay special attention to.Don't the door painted black, called to Yin evil spirit, actually often easy to cause the scourge of family or company team.

Yellow often cause disaster

Also note a khaki color, if five line is wrong, so the tone is often cause disaster.Because from the traditional science view, the five Huang Lian brahmachari five demon, the demon Lord, more than half are all like this color.Five Huang Tianxing, five black star diego, disease with, but with bright pure yellow color, the peace and prosperity for the Lord, and also can be lucky.

See yourself five lines of match colors

Like clothing and housing, the color of need five lines to match.Such as the five elements of water or water less friend, appropriate USES sky blue, the lake is tonal.Five lines of soil, not suitable for brown or beige, and so on.In addition, we also need to understand the principle of based on the five elements, the golden water, aquatic wood, wood fire, fire generates, native gold, etc.Raw, of course, restraint, and the overall design is wonderful, the most secure, calculate the neutral color, one with five elements, and is the most ideal choice.

Therefore, we usually wear dress or home office, all need to consider whether the corresponding color and itself.Different conditions have different color, for instance, was invited to celebrate as taboo body the collocation of red, and blue;A job interview taboo waist collocation of black, and red;When visiting a friend taboo body red, and black collocation.

Color pay attention to our own fortunes, emotional, marriage, health, attaches great importance to correctly use of color, to make our own really popular, otherwise, the improper use of color in life really will give you some "color to see see.

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