Why can affect the person's bed to sleep

Why can affect the person's bed to sleep

A third of one's life time is spent on the bed, as a result, the bed is not but the most important instruments of inside the bedroom, it is the place where people rest sleep and complementary energy.So people are very seriously since put a bed in the bedroom.

Location is unreasonable, if the bed put in the bedroom can affect not only master morpheus to rest, but also affects health.

Traditional geomantic learn think the bedroom must hide wind "gas".In conformity with the modern scientific research, this study shows that there exists a layer of the aura of the body surface, it is human body itself produce the flow of energy flow.When master at rest sleep, the position of the bed put properly, the body's aura in conformity with the earth's magnetic field.

Berth, therefore, must be put inside the most secure, most the place that can bright and throughout the whole room.Specifically, the bedroom bed Ann has the following pay attention to:

1. The bed cannot is opposite the door.Strainght bed against the door, are easy to be outside, no privacy and security.Also affects the master to have a rest.And the door is port, is also the tuyere.Bed at tuyere, the person's body is bound to be affected, make host is sick or restless.

2. The head of a bed should not rely on a door, if due to limited space of the bedroom, and the head of a bed of the bedroom door, make the bedroom bed faux pas.Because if someone suddenly closed, master easily disturbed and frightened.Is not conducive to rest and sleep.

Best choice of the northern and southern dynasties to 3. Beds, tell from the modern science, such suitable magnetic attraction, head south or north, sleep is good for your health.Because the body's blood circulation system, the aorta and vena cava is most important, it leads to the body's head in the same direction.When sleeping in the north and south direction of the human body, the body's blood circulation direction and north and south of the earth's magnetic field lines in the same direction, then people would be easy to sleep.

4. Do not put in bed under the beam, so as not to cause depression, impact on people's physical and mental health.Especially the cephalothorax body is pressed.Otherwise, vulnerable to disease.

5. Berth above don't hanging lamps and lanterns or ceiling fans.The decoration is almost every bedroom, but so easy to increase the pressure, the mood will be so upset.

6. The mirror is unfavorable punch.Most people know that the mirror can not be on the bed, because the mirror reflection, sleeping in front of the mirror, will cause the neurasthenia, cause a bad reaction by the person poor sleep quality.

7. The door of the bathroom more unfavorable press.Because of the uncleanness of the wet gas straight at the body, health, and the noise of the toilet, lighting also affect owners to have a rest.

8. Unfavorable Ann bed under the stairs.Traditional geomantic think stair hem bed as beam bottom bed, easy to cause depression, is detrimental to people's physical and mental health, adverse to the master's body and mind.

9. The head of a bed should be firm should not be empty.Stability is a feng shui bedroom advocate tone, the head of a bed against the wall stability is obtained.If after bed is empty, traditional feng shui is called "the sun is not the star", easy to cause instability caused by master.In addition, the bed is a pillar, after bed only by half, is still have rely on.

After 10, the bed is a god or in the kitchen.Ghost incense is cautious respect, bed is placed back on a god, as offensive.The kitchen, oil, smoke, gas and water, electricity and put the bed here, obviously wrong.

Therefore, only pay attention to the inside limited space is appropriate to put beds, to make you at the time of sleep, to sleep in peace, in order to ensure effective relaxation of body and mind of their own.

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