Lucky zone method: curtilage master bedroom to enrage flourishing flourishing

Lucky zone method: curtilage master bedroom to enrage flourishing flourishing

In ancient China the basic theory of feng shui think: the house master to absorb the atmosphere of lucky qi can bring luck.Lucky qi through the front door into the house from the outside, and it directly into the diagonal, collision wall back to the center, spread to the whole house, that is lucky area is strongest, the most strong airflow in the house.

Traditional fengshui believe any a house lucky area, its width is about a third of the front door on the side of the wall.However, the front door in the range of 30 ° degrees north house, lucky area is shorter, and cannot reach the opposite wall, stopped near the center of the house, but its width is more wide.

ShenTong the ancients of the road of feng shui, mostly set your biggest bedroom in a house in the lucky area.For about a third of one's life time is spent here, the biggest bedroom set curtilage master bedroom is logical.

As a Lord of the house owner, occupy the house nadis places the most exuberant, luck is the most exuberant, reflect curtilage master as a statue, supreme status.House to live in such a master bedroom, wang zhen yun will naturally add body - business, and treasures will be plentiful.A career ladder;Make learning, thought understanding;Take his wife, prompting a;To have a childAnd intelligent people.

According to ancient geomantic theory, if the lucky area set into other household purposes, will become bad luck.In the area of lucky has important function, there are three things will hurt the gas of lucky:

The first is water and fire.So in this area is generally not set on the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, etc as inauspicious

Another important lucky region receive a space.That is the place that we say usually placed spare items, if placed the flourishing place of shipment to sundry, certainly is not a wise choice.

Because put sundry place easily mixed and disorderly, often is the place that accumulation of dust, it will make the home land.To make this

To can bring flourishing place, because choose objects not important and cause disaster, it is not cost-effective.

Even if put sundry, will in time to clean the clean, clean up when not hasty.On the other hand, if the area tidy up well, according to the azimuth income lucky color, also can make more circulation gas of fortune.

So the ancients house under construction, most of the biggest bedroom set master room, on the one hand, can reflect honor and status of the owner, on the other hand, also take what is said in the fengshui of gas, flourishing place of delivery.

The harmonious household formula

Lucky zone nadis fill,

Lucky air that enters the house.

The head of the statue of the promise,

Successful step by step.

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