Flowers what pay attention to in the bedroom

Flowers what pay attention to in the bedroom

The bedroom is the place that rest at night, is the warm space.The greening main ornament role of the bedroom, should highlight the characteristics of the quiet and tastefully laid out and quiet comfort, warmth, help eliminate fatigue, is good for your health.Thus layout appropriate chooses color soft, posture beautiful foliage plants, fleshy pulp plant, moss plants and water, in order to create a quiet, comfortable, soft indoor environment.

Due to the lighting time is shorter, the bedroom should choose more naturally and shade of the flower plants, mountain camellia, cuckoo, etc., is easier to live.At the same time, the bedroom with the sitting room to distinguish, had better give priority to with is conducive to feelings of flowers promotional husband and wife.

Bedroom plant can undertake choosing according to the different zodiac, Chinese zodiacBelong to cow, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, dogs, especially the person born in the winter, determination like fire, can choose to belong to the flower of fire, more like clivia, camellia, the red rose, etc.;Chinese zodiacroosterAnd many monkeys like gold, can choose earthy and golden flowers, such as the yellow rose, smiling, gardenia, tuberose, etc;Belong to the ratMany, pigs like water, can plant flowers of gold and water, boat plant, such as narcissus, michelia, rubber tree, etc.;The rabbitWith tiger should choose wood plants, such as autumn orchid, evergreen.

Family bedroom to place flowers and according to one's character, hobby, sex, occupation, age and aesthetic idea, etc.Such as the elderly bedroom can put "LaoLaiShao" or "late jade", which can make old people feel refreshed and refreshed.The girl's bedroom is on the bedside table put a red bean or frontal flower sea.Sea type has been favored by all previous dynasties poet in song dynasty poet su shi's "lest night to sleep, so the burning high lighted red makeup", is about type of lovers.

Decorate a bedroom, a ornamental ferns can be put on the desk on the ark or small foliage plants;On the dresser or closet on a bottle of flower arrangement (or dried flowers and miniature bonsai);A two basins is furnished in a sunny windowsill orchid, milan, smiling, jasmine flowers, such as, to the flower fragrance 4 excessive, make person times feeling is sweet.

To add space aesthetic feeling, can be in the window or near the corner units put a pot of flowers hanging on the top, such as bracketplant, saxifrage, asparagus and bamboo plum, etc., have a good effect.Interior is equipped with several high, in the corner on it put a basin of medium-sized foliage plants, green all the year round, can add a slice of abundant vitality to the bedroom.

General bedroom space is not large, can be placed on tea table, desk "miniature" the small flowers, light good windowsill, such as sea petticoats, geranium is placed in a high cabinet placed on small foliage plants.Within 20 square meters of indoor space, generally should not be more than 4 plant, more than in healthy.

It is worth mentioning that although flowers benefits more households, but place flowers must pay attention to the bedroom, it is because during the day, when flowers for photosynthesis, release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide;At night, the flower is not for photosynthesis, spit out carbon dioxide and oxygen absorption.At this time, if the flower is placed in the bedroom, is harmful to health.So in inside the bedroom, had better put or not put flowers, less at night to avoid the people contend for the oxygen, the influence is healthy., of course, if you can pay attention to cultivate a basin with two at night to absorb carbon dioxide, and spit out fresh oxygen function of cactus plants (such as a celestial being, hillshade roll, crab legs, etc.), to purify indoor air, improve the body health is very good.

Some flowers, can not only fresh air, and at the same time also can produce some negative effects on people, and inside the bedroom had better not put.Such as Chinese rose, although it can absorb a large number of harmful gas, but it sends out strong fragrance, and can make the person produces depressed discomfort, your breath, the person that weigh even breathing difficulties;Fragrance of orchids, such as the smell of too long, can make the person insomnia joy;For a long time to smell the fragrance of lilies, can cause a person's central nervous excitement, cause insomnia.In addition, rosemary, oleander, tulips, etc are not suitable for the bedroom.

Patient flowerpot indoor had better not flowers, due to the mud will produce spores, fungal spores spread to in indoor air, will cause the body surface or deep infection, can also into a person's skin, respiratory tract, external auditory canal, meninges and parts such as the brain.It's bad for originally is suffering from disease, body constitution of the people, such as "worse", especially for patients with leukemia and transplant damage is greater.

Identify plants the doohickey of the good or ill luck

Fengshui thought plants are divided into two categories, XiongJi.There are two kinds of fierce is divided into standard:

One is to have poison gas, as standard.Such as the flower of oleander toxic, flowers make people easy to lethargy, reduce the human body function, is a fierce tree, should not be planted.

The second is the shape of the tree concerning XiongJi.Such as "the tree eccentric, gas pain of defeat" "tree bending humpback, Ding Cai 倶 retreat" "tree like battle cattle, humble abode disease", etc.Whoever looks not well-formed, modesty, growth is not normal trees is fierce.This is afraid is psychological effect and traditional cultural aesthetic concepts at work.

As for the tree, it is based on plant characteristics, implication and even harmonics.

Flowers what pay attention to the related content in the bedroom

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