Can set up the bathroom in the bedroom

Can set up the bathroom in the bedroom

In accordance with common sense, the bedroom is the bedroom, the bathroom is the bathroom, both is very independent, what was supposed to be "rule out".But I don't know from when to start, some of the modern residential inside the bedroom with the bathroom.

Perhaps to save space, or for the convenience of curtilage master, many of the bedroom with the bathroom.These indeed to meet the demand of the market to a certain extent, become a fashion, and many consumers are lining up.

However, the fengshui of the elders said: general bedroom should choose angry strong the heart of house, the area, like a person's heart, need absolute quiet, clean, and fire and water is bad.

We use the bathroom, mostly has two functions:The toiletAnd the bathroom.Whether the toilet, or bathroom, belong to the five elements of water.Although we now the bathroom set compared with ancient toilet, has made the "convenient" place, became very comfortable and luxurious, but still can not change the nature of it USES - discharge of sewage and waste.

Believe in feng shui toilet and bathroom is a place of Yin qi are heavier, also produce corruption air.No matter where, if disposal is undeserved, can induce brain and spirit, internal organs, spinal cord disease.Also, the bathroom is a place where moisture is heavy, we in the winterTake a showerWhen you can find the fog filled.This kind of wet gas once entered the bedroom, can make the bed becomes wet, over time, can let a person feel the body fatigue, waist sour backache, can produce disease of urinary system.

If the bedroom has a bathroom, you can take two methods to solve:

A plant is placed in the toilet a few mud foliage plants, and this is conducive to make green plants absorb some more for the body's own filth.

Second, if the economic condition, residence permits, between the bed and the bathroom door and screen as a block, is also a good way.

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