Why don't to avoid influences of the phase toilet

Why don't to avoid influences of the phase toilet

Traditional feng shui concept thinks, for the toilet located in kyrgyzstan, avoid is pressed in place.Because the bathroom is used to relieve and body wash dirt, nature is not clean, if the pressure in place, can make the good tarnished, beneath curtilage.And using toilet is not auspicious, with evil system, set a thief to catch a thief, but not jeopardized.

Look from the center of the housing, housing east, northwest, southeast, from three directions.At the same time, also must be avoided and the men and women born master years in opposition.

At present, the general housing tend to toilet is set in the north, this is considered quite influences of the phase.Because the north residential shadow, chaoyang, and belongs to the uptake, the north wind blows, the smell of the toilet will be filled with a bedroom, without heating, will be more wet, cold, very bad for the body.

Traditionally thought, toilet is set in southwest, northeast, west and south, are not of the phase.

Toilet water is heavy, if it is located in the southwest and northeast example when wanda azimuth, the two will have n soil grams of water "problem happened, very unlucky, especially family health will be damaged.

The west in China five thousand years of cultural history as always, is the old man, venerable Sir, and the gods lived in azimuth, if the guard

Born between setting in the west, have a misdemeanor.And the west is in charge of the finances, joy, and the outcome of bearing, if toilet located here, will make the original positive effects have a negative effect.

According to feng shui, the south is a "fire in the five elements' toilet Yin ' 'water", in the bearing is never co-existed, conflicting pattern, so is not auspicious.In addition, the south is the orientation of the daylighting, toilet if the bearing, is likely to affect curtilage the luck of the Lord.

About the improvement or remove the toilet, a lot of people will say: "does not have the space, it's hard to do it."In fact, the toilet of space is very small, as long as have the determination to improve, really want to remove it elsewhere, also won't have much difficulty, it may be simpler than can be imagined.

1, if the next door is a built-in wardrobe or cupboard or storage of toilet, that is right.At best, as long as the two pair of it.

2. If the bathroom is located in the north, as long as from 15 degrees north center;The northeast direction, as long as 15 degrees from northeast, 15 degrees as well as the center of northeast China.By analogy, in the west and southwest of simply moved to the northwest.

3. As a result of the construction conditions are different, sometimes simple engineering cannot remove the toilet.So, if the toilet in the range of live, as long as mobile toilets can, need not the redevelopment of the toilet.

4. Mobile toilets, might as well open a window in the bathroom, every day - a little salt in there, put a small plant, borrow plants green energy and salt, not of the phase to dissolve the toilet.

In a word, before the construction or decoration housing, you should first set the orientation of toilet, if not of the phase, will take measures to avoid as early as possible.

Toilet: why do you want to avoid the related content of the phase

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