Why don't located in the "emperor" toilet

Why don't located in the "emperor" toilet

In recent years, the toilet is in the position in the residence is becoming more and more high, its geomantic meaning represented also attaches great importance to by more and more people.

Now, bathroom and toilet includes a washroomThe toiletThree aspects, in general, is to clean the dirt and filth, belongs to the land of impurity in fengshui.And the center of the housing is very important, as said earlier, it is, 'emperor pole ", is the symbol of supreme in the house, if set discharge waste toilet, here is clearly was not auspicious.

According to "shu" contained, residential center belongs to the 'soil,' and if the toilet is located in the center of the house, will happen ' 'soil' 'g "not of the phase of water", to the home YunShi points, easy to make people sick.

In ancient times, the toilet and bathroom are separate.The toilet manure, without treatment will smell a bunch, tidy up

Richard is inconvenient, so, it is located in the residential center was unwise.Therefore, the ancient people behind the toilet is located in the residence, or in the far side of housing.

Modern toilet while the equipment is perfect, has a strong water equipment, won't produce the stench, however, toilet is located in the residential central, fill up the whole house is the most important space, make another room can not be in a straight line configuration, will naturally affect the person's activity space, in bring inconvenience at the same time, also can bring a lot of trouble.Moreover, usually not based in residential central in the bedroom, and bathroom if configuration in the central, is too far away from the bedroom, use rise very convenient.

Also want to know is the problem piping.Toilet configuration in the middle of the housing, water supply and drain pipe must be through other room underground, in this way, if it is out of order, maintenance is very difficult.And, if discharge pipes to pass the other room, that is even more annoying.Even with simple purification tank water to wash the toilet, one thousand fails, as well as trouble to repair.

In addition, located in the center of the residential toilet, is bound to have a '1 black toilet "problem, ventilation, daylighting is bad, be the chamber of secrets.If using artificial air conditioning, add equipment, in the event of failure, such as port congestion, the whole house

Will water everywhere.

Anyway, residential toilet should not indeed is located in the centre.But now, some people do not take the door model design, in order to increase the construction area, or mistake of the toilet in the home center.If you encounter such a situation, you must try to change them.

It is worth noting that some now building residential toilet is located in the central, but through the design means, with lamplight to conceal, often ignore the question makes buyers, so you must pay attention to detect when buying.

If you're really unlucky to buy toilet is located in the center of the residential house, you should be in the inside toilet device exhaust fan, timely move after each use of gas and steam into the outdoors, try to keep the bathroom dry, clean, no smell.Can not believe so, influences of the natural will be away from you.

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