Why want to convenient and clean the kitchen

Why want to convenient and clean the kitchen

Generally speaking, Chinese people are very pay attention to diet, but seldom pay attention to the environment is clean of the kitchen, tend to put a lot of unnecessary belongings in the kitchen, so that the kitchen become narrow, dark, damp.Such an environment the most easy to breed mosquitoes bugs, become a hotbed of disease planning, caused great threat to the health of my family.Therefore, in daily life, keep the kitchen clean is very important.

Fengshui thought, kitchen clean condition is bad, easy to cause the family hand-picked body weak, discord, poor home delivery, being bullied.From the Angle of modern health consideration, also is such, the kitchen is cooking food, if a family do not take the kitchen environment clean, regardless, filthy, easy breeding ground for germs, intestines and stomach discomfort, the family out of shape.

At the same time, a does not pay attention to the kitchen to clean family, each person in the home also must not "good", as a result, the hard to avoid between husband and wife and between parents and children is also easy to produce, in the long run, even in a particularly good feng shui house, will also affect the family fortune.

In addition, the kitchen health environment if not ideal, stir-fry cooking can also affect the way you feel.In dirty chaos ring

During cooking, the mood is bad, cooked food, regardless of whether they are natural color, aroma and taste can be discounted, and thus affect the person's appetite, make the whole family body and mood are subject to a certain degree of damage.

In daily life, of course, clean the kitchen is more let a person nerve-racking, oil, rust, vegetable juice, etc., are difficult to deal with dirt;Walls, countertops, washing, receive, all aspects are good tidy, is indeed a lot of work.

As long as you hold the following keys, however, can have a reasonable layout, clean and orderly, smooth clean kitchen.

1, the wall of the kitchen should choose convenient and clean, not easy with the oil of wall materials, but also has the function such as refractories, thermal deformation.Kitchen lampblack is great, especially Chinese people like Fried, ' 'temperature furnace gas ", so that the kitchen lampblack besmirch hard to remove, so all around the surface of the wall material to have a very good oil resistance, resistance to the ability of lampblack, for a long time to keep the surface clean.

2, appropriate USES kitchen smoke lampblack machine to give priority to, the exhaust smoke exhaust fan is complementary equipment.The smell of ventilated take a breath way, in the first place

Smoke lampblack machine should be installed at above the stove.At the same time, in the roof or the Windows installation ventilator, assisted ventilation, so that the lampblack out of the window as soon as possible, keep the kitchen clean and well-ventilated.

3, the kitchen is the residence of most of the space debris, receive the practicality and safety should be considered.Take unnecessary clutter as far as possible inside the kitchen cleaning, don't put the kitchen as sundry room, otherwise not only eyesore, and bacteria.

To have the ability to resist pollution 4, kitchen utensils and appliances, in particular to preventThe cockroachThe mouseContaminated food, ants, bacteria and other functions, so as to ensure the immanent quality of the whole kitchen.In addition, should also be equipped with modern family kitchen disinfection cabinet,

Food waste pulverizer and other equipment.

In the concrete implementation process, as long as you hold the above tips, will make your kitchen more beautiful, more clean, become a veritable land.

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