What stores feng shui layout principles

What stores feng shui layout principles

Open store is easy, but it's hard to run shops.Shop good feng shui, doing well in business nature.So, how to layout good feng shui of the store?This should know some knowledge of feng shui layout.

1. Get busy from the remote

On the town, people through intensive place is bustling location.According to feng shui, someone is angry, the more angry, more prosperous, by angry can bring the business is thriving.

2. Open from the narrow

In front of feng shui in choosing house address, be particular about is open, acceptance of eight party angry, this business with exquisite inviting four directions guest.According to this principle, choose the address of the shop, also should consider directly in front of the shop is open, for there cannot be any obstructions, such as walls, poles, billboards and excessive hoodwink trees, etc.

3. Take the south from the northeast

And feng shui when choosing the YangZhai base should be sits, its purpose is to avoid the summer sun and winter winds.The choice of a business address, also need to consider to avoid the sun and wind.So, the best is still sits, namely south.

4. The door of the shop to decorate good

The door of the store is a store throat, is the customer with the flow of goods in and out and channel.The door of the store daily -- a large number of customers, also decided to rise and fall of the shop.Therefore, in order to make the store can improve the customer's event, the door should not be done is too small.

Store the rise and fall depending on the customer, customer is the revenue in the store.Of customers, the shop will flourish, on the other hand, the shop is closed.So, shop door front, should depend on the customer, where should be the customer, the door of the shop is open to where, do the door to meet customers.The door of the shop to also has a lot to do with the store's location, if the store's location to sit in the north, or sit west toward the east, and the customer's point is sitting at home in the direction, then the door of the shop was toward the north, toward the east.If this is the case, the store has made unfavorable gate toward the north, unfavorable toward the east of taboo, shop was straight out of the sun in the summer, affected by the north wind in the winter stores.In this case, the might as well use of Yin and Yang five elements based on law of processing.If it is a business hotel, in summer, besides in front of the hotel take the awning, can also be in the hotel lobby card a big goldfish bowl, place on a number of bonsai.Goldfish bowl of water, potted landscape belongs to the wood, can have the effect of indoor heat weakens.And, people see a crock cool on hot days of water, which has a vibrant goldfish, can achieve pure and fresh feeling.

If there is a floor of the store, and the second floor is used for office use, store door toward the customer, and noise from a shop doorway between possible interference to the second floor of the office.In order to avoid this kind of interference, the design of the stairs do not face the shop door.According to fengshui, up the ladder of the mouth is to the gate, gathered at the gate of ShaQi (noise) will directly down the stairs into the second floor.Ideally, will open the staircase in the side, stairway to avoid front door, the side walls to order yarn.Possible, better in the gate and placed a screen between the stairs, as the noise of the interval

5. The door to avoid ominous thing in the world

From the aspect of mental health and environmental health is concerned, the door of the shop to also should avoid to face the some buildings is referred to as the not auspicious feng shui.

What feng shui is not auspicious building, mainly refers to some smoke from,The toilet, kraal, stables, funeral homes, hospitals, some easy to make people feel uncomfortable.These places, or black smoke, or stinking, or cry, or disease.By not auspicious place to bring the airflow, feng shui as a ferocious look.

When the store's location, of course, should avoid to open in has not auspicious place area, such as for other reason to set up shop in all regions have not auspicious thing, when I opened the door just avoid these ominous thing in the world, be sure to choose a good gas of direction to open the door, and after the door, best to put a screen, to do with ShaQi again cut off.

Feng shui emphasize YangZhai opens the door to avoid jinx, in another sense, is the emphasis on people's work and life need to have a fresh air, good visual environment.In a good environment, work of the spirit of the people, intelligence play best, naturally people do things success rate is the highest.

Industry store is an important part of urban economy, it is not only the social and economic prosperity, but also for the society to create economic value and social value, store layout of industry in addition to obey the market economy rule, in the specific city, in the process of the layout of the specific environment, specific industry to adhere to the people-centered principle, that is to be in conformity with the detailed personal information.

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