Sign: 41 mazu LingQian 41 days LingQian solution GengShen belongs to the wood, the spring should be the east

matsuDays after LingQianDiSiYi sign: GengShen belongs to the wood, the spring should be its Oriental solution to sign

Mazu days LingQian: poems said

This line to the real hard to push, song song drink from around.Talking message nearly, who form a double rewelding marriage.

Mazu days LingQian: yue

In all things and people. Work hard. Housework, acoustic vibration home. Home gradually had peace. Marriage xielao. O son. Add LongZhang liujia. Seek difficult, unitary xu-gou day. No fame. Old gentleman peace. The cure trailing, xu-gou, defying. Northeast out good. Late in business. To bearer xu-gou day. Goods row boat there will be none. Move. Xu-gou things found in the northeast of the lost. Rain. Officer victory. Bad animals. Plain farming. Build good room after September.The graveStay. Please no sea. As a farm small profit. Fish is not good. I pulled. Wanted to slow. Far letter unitary xu-gou solstice.

Mazu days LingQian: the ancients

Miss wang for color mask chicken to curse on the month pulled clogs SanBo leaning English set

Sign: 41 mazu LingQian 41 days LingQian solution GengShen belongs to the wood, the spring should be its eastern related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query