Sign: 37 mazu LingQian 37 days LingQian solution is suitable for China belongs to the years of sifang

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Mazu days LingQian: poems said

Luck meet satisfied body change, gentleman's body is beneficial;Has always been difficult to future determined the mediator of the qing ji.

Mazu days LingQian: yue

Always rich, trailing, peace. Work can become, have your breath. Housework, acoustic vibration home. Home delivery of the peace. A good marriage. O son good. Best male after female first. Seek have gradually. After fame at division (show). At the age of your peace. Cure not afraid of danger, praying to peace. Levelled out. Send new business completed. Come to immediately. Good row boat. Good move. The lost is hard to find. A few days to rain. Official financial ruin, ending. Animals suitable JiChang. Farming, have closed. Build room clean.The graveHappy. For the sea and Italy, gradually into. As a farm gradually. The larvae gradually. Pulled gradually. Wanted to get it back with. Far to letters the speed of sound.

Mazu days LingQian: the ancients

Zhengde jun called green peony open zhengde play Li Fengjie jun

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