Sun Moon Lake wenwu temple of Confucius holy 56 to sign

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to sign56 sign

Poem: they naturally, ghosts and gods presence of solid, hardly to be respect to save mind, such as between the divine a read.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: worship god as in sharks

Delta Confucius Gua blame, force, and not god, but he didn't deny the existence of ghosts and gods, and as long as people can respect for ghosts and gods, and a sacrifice to god as god in attitude.So, can not forget the kindness of ancestors, known this somewhat, with sincere feelings between people.At the same time also can make people know to quit mian in words and deeds.And then can make the person good behaviour, strive for progress, so as to achieve happiness.And from the reflections in life in the illusory.

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