Sun Moon Lake wenwu temple of Confucius st 52 sign

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to sign52 sign

Poem: place is difficult is not difficult to draw, JuXian burden, always near little far, inevitable career success.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: near modern man is auspicious

Delta phase 2 words, on the surface is refers to the meaning of the judge ruled.Such as press, explanation, sun yat-sen. ZhengZhe all things also.So the government is to deal with all things.Head for the government, it is carried out;ZhengZhe all things also.So the government is to deal with all things.Head for the government, it is for;And in all walks of life, all performed at various levels shall be responsible for personnel management, also is carried out.Place above all, it is about justice, to the selfishness, distinguishing right from wrong, desert, reuse of xian and have people, is restraining.Is that all, work is made.

The delta career success.

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