Buddha LingQian signed 8 solution signed basaltic mountain Buddha LingQian eighth sign sign

The Buddha LingQianThe eighth sign: Han Wengong frozen snow short straw

The Buddha LingQian: sign a poem

Cold horse shallow boat desiccation.Old friend, don't go to sing partridge day only.

The Buddha LingQian: sign

Ship on the beach of the ship on the beach.Zodiac: [bull]

The Buddha LingQian: home

Can't upset every time, provoked disaster in the home, spring, summer, but the population disease, qiu dong Tian He busy loss again, the auspicious curtilage population disaster disease for years, your breath loss of wealth, and scared the Buddha, both for the 2nd ancestors incense should identify FengSi and made a new kitchen, Cheng channel should be new, resident wealth Ding Xingwang.

The Buddha LingQian: old gentleman

Because see inverse beach on the fishing boat, fishing boat ashore and dancing, the beach before for business, but the beach after a harder.

The Buddha LingQian: business

Ship on the beach risk among them, the business of fierce, transactions must be cautious, seek the wisdom is thriving, the business like a ship on the beach, gain colophon, cut off to prevent tired, should be cautious with wisdom and seek.

The Buddha LingQian: look

What you don't, try so hard, you are day and night fishing, red scales has been in the autumn river, exhausted all don't take the bait "seeks the show to the others, the spring/summer him isn't going to stay to Mid-Autumn festival, ask help for can be a"

The Buddha LingQian: marriage

Others said only two fairly, capricious heart damage of the tiger, the mouth is better than good heart, as the sole pillow lying bed, the marriage is not achievement, because small language is not true, heart like a tiger cannot believe"

The Buddha LingQian: go out

The hexagrams of seasonal blocked because of dog tired, gave birth to the disaster should be conservative, avoidance of sorrow.

The Buddha LingQian: open shop

The hexagrams of inauspicious different heart, fear of man has not happened, beauty not peace also.

The Buddha LingQian: partnership


The Buddha LingQian: seek

Is coffers usury as silver in the mirror, see not, but should be determined to gas with him can get small profit, partial goods don't take it!

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