Sign the xuanwu mountain Buddha Buddha LingQian signed 10 solution LingQian tenth sign sign

The Buddha LingQianThe tenth sign: f ROM. Secondly, prime minister next to sign

The Buddha LingQian: sign a poem

Wow in Wells, no shadow but heard;, underneath a month in the shadow and invisible.

The Buddha LingQian: sign

Filter and the line of trillion.Zodiac: "pig"

The Buddha LingQian: home

Tian silkworm half lucky this year, summer and fall and fear of loss of cattle and sheep, deep winter population appropriate prayer of blessing, more werewolf jump ha-ha, the population is the happy auspicious curtilage, but the summer months, the disease is difficult to breath, lost money thief eritrea, xiao cows raw and disease prevention, frighten the Buddha protect peaceful, because before the adjacent water blunt injury to the Buddha brings a flag on door offering the peace"

The Buddha LingQian: old gentleman

Regardless of the ground and gable, infinite scenery always occupied, after picked flowers into honey, sweet round hard for who.

The Buddha LingQian: business

This year business seriously, take precautions against thieves of financial, summer months mo people folio, autumn to seek days intentional, the business is profit, but fear, of goods, trading should be careful see, usury, the profit,"

The Buddha LingQian: look

Client to do heart, how well the heart is bad, back to home early, chi often used only the affected, "ABU man must rise on blocking kidnapping or robbery money, appropriate caution should prevent goes not to him,"

The Buddha LingQian: marriage

Weeds idle spend more disorderly, once very own sad, feel secure until marriage to the heart, don't listen to other people said, "do not trust the matchmaker, is the wild flowers, also cut is not desirable, if take the joy at that time the sorrow is also"

The Buddha LingQian: go out

Cast out of the hexagrams be provided with a firm to in April, benefactor assistance available both fame and wealth.

The Buddha LingQian: open shop

Hexagrams should prevent thieves of urban shall prevent a bullet lure property, shop door have killed, appropriate of the Buddha, please sign on the door and.

The Buddha LingQian: partnership

Don't become obsessed with the three four different heart man, property may have leaked, not advisable, close the woe of unprofitable also!

The Buddha LingQian: seek

Is Treasury money is you, but because of little people, not letter straight directly, must prevent the kernel, appropriate, from the way management, partial goods lost is not desirable, shaw, cattle, sheep lost more!

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