Che LingQian sign 5: sign

Che LingQian sign 5: sign _ divination in the lottery

Che LingQianThe fifth sign: sign

Who will sign: brave soldiers strong robust, to win the one like you;A drum work belongs to the good news, kay turning singing high spirited.

Sign: Pepsi prosper, feet

Broken sign: the home is festival, quick dash of disease and its own prosperity, discrepancy, marital harmony, seek peace, hon potential trouble, everything wins meaning, like good news, inspiring song poetry

homeHouse: home smoothly

Good luck in travel:

Marriage: not yet

Pedestrian: already on the way

Baby: natural labor

Action: reconciliation, if not also wins

Career: must also work

Move: all appropriate distances

Peace itself: to do good

Disease: be careful dealing with emergency

Finances: profits

Che LingQian sign 5: sign related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query