Che LingQian first sign: sign

Che LingQian first sign: sign _ divination in the lottery

Che LingQianThe first sign: sign

Sign: ShuaiLing jie show heroes, an arrow points clearly ao;In the spring breeze with full sleeves, the horse sing high top.

Sign: everything without meaning

Broken sign: home, quick dash of disease, its continued success, and peace, marital harmony, strives for the rich, also wen wu, and hair and Quebec, blow, namely the jingmei fish fertilizer

House: wedding is almost here

Travel: the smooth

Marriage: a happy marriage

Pedestrian: will reach the other shore

Fertility: available boy

Action: everything happens for reconciliation

Career: start smoothly

Move: all appropriate distances

Since theBody: the endeavor shall be its achievements

Disease: be careful of the stomach

Finances: old age is better

Che LingQian first sign: sign related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query