Xuan LingQian 28 days god sign north emperor LingQian 28 sign

The xuan LingQian day god28 signNorth emperor LingQian28 sign

28 sign: queen Wu Chun female as "everything springs" sticks "for hope to one's liking of trillion of fine" snake"

Poems said: / chouqian/beidi/a deer with sheep, in the home to arrange, pearl curtain, under the pure brightness,

House: he will the matter be suspicious, although have clouds have long Yin, two prosperous as rich people, no more stealing fire two-phase invasion, the population has a beaming rimmon auspicious curtilage, but the summer months of breath indisposition stolen of urban fire, before is adjacent to kill blunt injury, appropriate to the Buddha, seven stars make a flag on the door offering benefactor assistance for men and women, old and young peace have great luck"

Old gentleman: people get hi every, officer, not a breath guard, disease in addition to the disease to secure, if the official asks for its name!

Good business: a fair deal for all purchase of Yin people are, don't take defeat fixed partial goods, five or six October real price, the business can get profit, but the early resistance, thanks benefactor assistance, from the right to operate the wineries have thick profit!

Open shop: the hexagrams Ye Ji trillion, as everything in the spring of appropriate endure breath polite guests, fire stolen the danger of appropriate please water DE jun town curtilage, things can get profit and the partnership: the hexagrams can become like everything in the spring of trillion, but dude will unite as one, work together to business have thick profit!

Out: a matters from the path of a benefactor assistance, should not only peace and insight to, the eagle shooting heroes!

Seeks: at home by doing more,'s fortunes, seek and save them, heart is fierce also eliminate the danger, "the man into but to prevent blocking have benefactor assistance should stand straight, if lose people fear no trouble.

Marriage: good for relative said friend, don't teach miss comes spring, as well the harp rhyme, white wind qing month!The good marriage coincidence as say, should be long XiaPin, defer not to drag, if late this fear -"

For money: money money, no loss of operation should be from the right path, six, eight, November a benefactor assistance available profit partial goods not peace!

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