Sign the north emperor xuan day god LingQian 24 LingQian 24 to sign

The xuan LingQian day godThe twenty-fourth signNorth emperor LingQianThe twenty-fourth sign

24 sign: tang clear huang swim moon palace "auspicious" clearly the occasion of trillion of trillion "chicken"

Poems said: / chouqian/beidi/crane, nine air Wan Lisheng, rhinoceros full moon, JiQingZhi is clear,

House: your home no need not to doubt, but the dream how to have a date, if a man there is nothing he safely, beware of by SIMS, the auspicious curtilage the population of the hexagrams are happy, but the shade in the summer months indisposition the urban of thieves, the portal should be cautious bearing FengSi worship to gain Ding Changsheng said people and women's federation was pregnant may not have to"

Old gentleman: bright sky everywhere, LangRan brilliance according to coma, stratagem luck everyone sound show, prosperity prosperity together

Business: spring, summer, business is small, keep pray to keep goods and pay when the Mid-Autumn festival, the goods in and out of the road, the new business spring and summer months prevention, appropriate conservative management, buying and selling number should be careful, pay the harvest moon can have to gain"

Seeks the look: heart out things not idle, nowhere to put the body lost, now have wan road, step on the ladder to see wide cold "none early into the situation and have cut off, hou three, five, eight, November with some money to help, things can be successful"

Marriage: marriage is close together, why flurried hanging in the heart, is predestined friends the Trinidad, discipline and safety, the marriage into the fate are also, men and women both parties cater, unite as one li edge, grow old"

: out of a noble, should be out in March, not only safe and have profit available!

Open shop: a matter of seasonal or bureau, to the appropriate occasion of trillion pick an auspicious day, quick opening have gain can get!

Partnership: shun ji, as auspicious and clear signs, but dude let's work together to have profit also!

For money: money is something loss but prevention, should keep not whither early in three, five, November can get profit, partial goods will miss mo off for good!

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